About Cottage Witch

Hello, I'm Inanna Morningstar, Cottage Witch, Pagan Priestess, Psychic and Artist.
I'm a real Witch and I cast real spells that really work and a Priestess of the Goddess of the Morning Star.

What is a Cottage Witch?
A Cottage Witch is a solitary mystic who practices the arts of Wildwood Spirituality and mysticism.  Also known as a Wise-Woman, Cunning-Woman,  Natural Witch, Green Witch, Kitchen Witch, Village Witch or Hedge Witch, Hedge-Riders, Myrk-Riders, Gandreidh, Night Travelers as well as Walkers on the Wind.  A naturalist and herbalist, the Cottage Witch will work from home performing natural forms of magic and healing using organic, often collected, items.  They will harness the energies of herbs, trees, plants, stones, oils and other natural ingredients to energise their spells.  They will also be able to align with the natural energies of the the Earth, other planets and the universe to transform situations and people at will.  Read more...

You can e-mail me at: inanna@cottagewitch.co.uk

I live in a beautiful seaside cottage in a village, close to the moors in Yorkshire, England.  I live with my husband, children, dog, cat, three rabbits, two rats, gerbil and fish...and yes, I do have a mini zoo!
I have practiced Cottage Witchcraft and Paganism for over 20 years and am an experienced High Priestess and teacher of the ancient magical arts.  I first discovered that I was a Pagan Witch and Oracle (one who remembers) with magical and psychic powers when I was in my early teens.  Since then I have been developing, using and perfecting my natural gifts, testing and trying thousands of magical spells and techniques and doing more readings than I can remember.  I've met and learned from Witch elders and completed hours of intense study and practice in the ancient magical arts.  Magic is my life, it is in my blood, I am a Witch.

I am very grateful for my abilities and firmly believe that it is my destiny in this life, to help other people to overcome their everyday problems, gain insight and wisdom, and also discover their hidden talents and abilities.  Personally, I have overcome some very difficult circumstances using my skills and cannot imagine my life without magic.  It has bought me much relief and happiness, and I wish wish others to feel its power working in their lives.  My magic is very real, and has touched the lives and hearts of many people.

I focus primarily on private, personalised, one-to-one, Spell Casting Sessions, Psychic Empathic and Goddess Oracle Readings, and bespoke beginner and advanced level Educational Programmes.  I am a clear and articulate channel for the guidance of the ancient Goddess and the teachings of virtually lost, sacred Magical Pagan Spirituality.

I also offer honest, unbiased magical advice and step-by-step DIY solutions to people who prefer to practice Magical Spell Casting themselves, but maybe need a little friendship, guidance and support.

My natural and finely tuned Psychic Empathic and Goddess Channeling gifts and memories of my past life as an ancient Sorceress and Temple Priestess, combined with my extensive practice of the Magical Arts, give me a solid foundation for effectively presenting powerful methods of awakening.  I believe that by guiding and teaching others I can help the light of the Goddess to shine brightly once again.

Having spent nearly the last two decades years delving deep into ancient Pagan mystical traditions, I have dedicated much of my adult life to the study, practice and development of practical and potent Magical Techniques.

From an early age I felt a deep connection to the Divine Goddess and also to my inner sacred magical self, and through this, remembered my ancient gifts and memories, realising that there was more to life than what most people believed and accepted.  I sought to find a way to gain access to the truth and secure clarity and understanding, power, wisdom and ultimately control.  I now guides other people to do the same.

I began my career professionally from my early twenties, winning several awards for consistant standards of outstanding performance and have now helped thousands of people from all over the world.  Through my Pagan Goddess teachings, writings and potent prophetic and psychic insight I have allowed people from all walks of life to find answers, guidance, love, peace, happiness, wealth, good health, enhanced sexuality and fulfillment.  With my help, these people are also then amazingly and almost instantly able remember their past lives, identify their unique gifts and talents and know their true purpose in life.

I am well known for being friendly, caring, honest, enlightening and down-to-earth with a modern approach to performing the ancient sacred Pagan Witchcraft Practices.  I have a wealth of knowledge and life experience to draw from and by doing what Pagans, Witches, Sorceresses, Temple Priestesses and Goddess Oracle’s have always done, I am able to successfully investigate and reveal the most secret of information, open the most tightly closed of minds and transform even the most difficult of circumstances.

With an unusually powerful ability to communicate with beings from other realms and to sense, harness and manipulate natural and universal energies, my skills of mind power and manifestion result in me being fully booked most days. I also believe passionately that through acknowledging and utilising one’s love for one's sacred self, one can achieve great things.

I have been able to achieve super-conciousness from a very young age, to know and do things I shouldn’t ‘normally’ know or be able to do.  Not knowing why this was at first, I felt sometimes very isolated and different from other children around me.  It wasn’t until my early-teens that through a visit from my spirit guide, I became aware that I could control and use my skills to help others, at will and this was often expressed via the creative arts.

I took initiation as a Pagan Witch and Priestess in 1998, following a visit from the Goddess herself.  I was then able to take my personal learning and practice to a deeper and more powerful level.  Since then I have received numerous teachings, both channeled directly from my much beloved Goddess and also from my personal guides and gurus as well as teachers of the ancient magical arts.  My widely acknowledged Magical and Psychic abilities have led me to since become initiated as High Priestess and decided to set-up my own Circle and website, to return the light to the world again.

We cannot choose why, how or where we come into this world,
but we can choose how we live our lives once in it.


I am available for private readings and personalised bespoke Magical Spell Casting, Readings and Training upon request.  I also offer distant services, should you not be able to or wish to speak to me directly.
So if you are fed-up with doing what you usually do and getting what you usually get.  Get in touch, and see what magic can do for you.  it's free to find out and I love hearing from you. 

Early booking advised to avoid disappointment.

You can e-mail me at: inanna@cottagewitch.co.uk

You can view my Social Network pages by clicking on the links below:
